
Wincatalog alternative
Wincatalog alternative

wincatalog alternative

All options in the last profile are set to their default values.

wincatalog alternative

When WinCatalog creates a new catalog file, it also creates four profiles for the scanning options: disk only - for adding information about the disk without scanning the contents, disk and folders - for adding information about the disk and grabbing folders structure, but skipping the files, basic file info - for adding all the files and folders, but grabbing just basic file information like size, created and modified dates, file attributes - all advanced processing modules, for example, ID3 tags extraction for audio files, or thumnails grabbing for images, are turned off for this profile, and, finally, full file info - when WinCatalog grabs all the info it can grab.

wincatalog alternative

You can open it by clicking the Scanning Options button on the Ribbon toolbar: Scanning options were moved from Program Options to a separate and dedicated options manager. We decided to call this function “scanning profiles” or, as previously, “scanning options”. Scanning profiles (sets of the scanning options). Below you will find descriptions of the most interesting features. For the new update, we performed an optimization, reviewed the code for errors and more. The new version also contains a lot of smaller visible and hidden improvements based on a feedback and suggestions provided by our customers. The new version introduces a brand new feature - scanning profiles - providing an ability to have several sets of scanning options and switch between them easily. Hello, we’re glad to announce that the new version of WinCatalog 2018 (version number 18.0) was released.

Wincatalog alternative